Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010 - Matthew 6:34 - "Worry"

"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Ok, I confess, this one is tough for me. As much as I know this is true, it's hard not to be concerned about both today AND tomorrow. I am certainly financially challenged these days, and I'm not always sure if the bills will get paid. But I have a job, and thank You God for that!

It's easy to get a little facitious here..."Easy for YOU to say, God! You own the cattle on a thousand hills! What about me? I don't own squat..." But perhaps that's the point. While its easy to spout all the pretty platitudes about how God takes care of His own, the reality is that some of God's people are starving to death every single day in this world. God's children are being terrorized and brutalized and murdered. They're hungry and sick and cold. Yeah, don't worry about tomorrow...right.

Let me tell you a story. A few years back I was on my way to work when I spotted a dog that was obviously lost. He was limping and going back and forth across the bridge. I was headed to work, so I didn't stop. On the freeway I found myself praying, "Oh, Lord, please send somebody to help that dog." And I swear, I heard God's voice as clearly as I've ever heard anything in my life. And what I heard was, "I did send somebody. I sent you."

Oh man....I'm gonna be late for work... But I turned the car around, coaxed the dog into my car, and took it to the shelter. It was a holiday weekend, as I recall. Yes, I was late to work. My boss asked why and all I had to say was, "Well, there was this dog..."

On Monday, I called the shelter and the owners had picked the dog up that morning. He had gotten free while they were away for the weekend.

I guess where I'm going with this is that...tomorrow's troubles really will still be there tomorrow. Today's troubles are here today. But in the midst of that is God's promise...not to get rid of our troubles, but to be with us as we deal with them. My job is just to do the best I can this very second, and leave the rest up to God.

And work. I'm late!

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